After the 2020 flood on the Dore River, the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George started working with impacted community members to apply for a grant for an erosion mitigation project.
Project activities and developments
The Dore River Armouring Management and Maintenance Service Area was established and property owners were advised the taxable service bylaw was adopted and if bank armouring
could be completed, taxation would start the year after construction.
The grant requirements in process in May 2023 included completing an Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA), securing regulatory and environmental approvals, confirming Indigenous Government consultation and requesting grant timeline extensions.
September 2023
- BC Archaeology Branch issued an AIA permit for properties disturbed by riprap installation
- grant funder approved extending the project beyond 2023
October 2023
- AIA conducted with property owners’ consent
- Regional District Board approved applying to UBCM’s Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation grant fund in case the original grant does not cover project costs
November 2023
- some riverbank was resurveyed after changes were noticed during the AIA
- engineering design was updated for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) approval
December 2023
- grant funder's Indigenous Government consultation requirements were met
- BC Water Stewardship extended their approval permit’s timeline
February 2024
- BC Archaeology Branch reviewed the AIA and provided their authorization for construction
- work continued with DFO on vegetation offsetting plans and monitoring requirements to receive
June 2024
- DFO provided final authorization
- property owners consented to access, construction, material stockpiling and long term right-of-way
- issued construction tender and the Regional District Board approved awarding the contract
July 2024
- site preparation work is proceeding and construction will be between 7 am and 8 pm, seven days per week
If you have questions or comments about this project, contact Community Services for more information