Electoral Area D (Tabor Lake-Stone Creek)

Electoral Area

Electoral Area D (Tabor Lake-Stone Creek) occupies 655 km² and includes Tabor Lake, Pineview, Buckhorn, Red Rock and Stoner. There are 4,375 residents within Electoral Area D.

Region-wide services provided include

  • solid waste management
  • 9-1-1 emergency response
  • fire services coordination
  • regional parks
  • land use planning
  • building inspection 
  • heritage conservation

The Regional District also operates the Blackburn water system and the Bendixon Road, Buckhorn and Tabor Lake community sewer systems. Street lighting is provided in communities where residents have opted to pay for the service. Volunteer fire departments are established in Buckhorn, Ferndale/Tabor, Pineview, Red Rock/Stoner and Shell-Glen.

Tabor Lake shoreline
Tabor Lake