Electoral Area G (Crooked River-Parsnip)

Electoral Area

Electoral Area G (Crooked River-Parsnip) occupies over 18,000 km² including Summit Lake, Bear Lake, McLeod Lake and rural Mackenzie. There are 334 residents represented within Electoral Area G.

Region-wide services provided include

  • solid waste management,
  • 9-1-1 emergency response,
  • fire services coordination,
  • regional parks,
  • land use planning,
  • building inspection
  • heritage conservation

Other Regional District Services are provided in communities where residents have opted to pay for them, including street lighting, the Azu Water System, the Bear Lake Cemetery, Ambulance Station, Water System and Recreation Facilities. The Community Hall in Bear Lake is owned and operated by the Regional District.

Giscome Portage Regional Park, the site of Huble Homestead, is 40 km north of Prince George.

two white wooden farmhouse buildings in a grass field
Huble Homestead