Are you:
- developing a principal or secondary residence?
- developing a garage, shop, shed or accessory building?
- placing or removing soil/fill? (including construction aggregate)
- developing mixed-use buildings on a farm?
- operating a business or other non-farm use?
ALR regulations limit what uses are permitted, their size and location, and placing fill for development. Any use must also be consistent with Regional District zoning and land use bylaws.
An ALC-approved Notice of Intent (NOI) is required to place fill before developing most structures in the ALR. Plan your building process with these requirements in mind. The Regional District can only issue building permits if the ALC NOI requirements are met. The NOI process takes up to 60 days after submitting all required information on the ALC online application portal.
The ALR and ALC
The Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) is BC’s provincial zone to preserve agricultural land for the future. The Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) is an independent provincial agency that administers the ALC Act and Regulations, and protects the ALR land base and its agricultural use.
Visit the ALC website and learn more about housing the ALR. You can also contact:
- ALC Soil Inquiries and Notices of Intent: or 236-468-3343 - ALC Land Use Planner – North: or 236-468-3288