Drinking Water

The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George owns and operates two groundwater source drinking water supply systems. These systems were established as local service areas at Azu (Powder King) and Bear Lake. As a local service the operation, maintenance and capital reinvestment of these systems is paid for through user fees by those connected to the system. Each system is identified as a Small Water System by the Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP) and has Regional District staff that are certified to operate the systems.

Water quality testing is performed on a regular basis to ensure a safe source of water. The Northern Health Authority (NHA) establishes the frequency of testing for each water system and water samples are analyzed by the provincial laboratory. In addition, annual samples are taken for each water system and analyzed based on the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines by an independent laboratory.

Emergency response plans

The Azu Small Water System Emergency Response Plan and the Bear Lake Small Water System Emergency Response Plan were developed to ensure a reliable supply of water.