Regional District Board meets in Valemount
The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George took its monthly meeting on the road. The June 20 meeting was held in Valemount. In addition to the meeting, directors had an opportunity to meet with the Village of Valemount council and tour sites in the community such as Kinbasket Lake, the Valemount Bike Park and the Valemount Museum.
Robson Valley Region program wins provincial award
The Robson Valley Region economic development marketing program was recently recognized by the BC Economic Development Association. The program won the Economic Development Marketing Innovation Award for communities less than 20,000 population. This award comes after the program was rebranded in 2020 from “discoverrvr” to “investrvr” and work was refocused to promote the Robson Valley Region economic opportunities through digital platforms like the Invest RVR website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google ads.
Regional District of Central Kootenay renews 9-1-1 service agreement
The Regional District of Central Kootenay has renewed a four-year contract to have the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George provide 9-1-1 call taking and fire dispatch and communications services. The Regional District of Central Kootenay is one of four Regional Districts in the province to receive 9-1-1 services from the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George; the others are Cariboo Regional District, Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako and the Regional District of Kitimat Stikine.
Cultural funding review report received
The Regional District Board received a report on the findings of a Cultural Funding Review. The review evaluated how funding levels align with the evolving activities and needs of eight cultural sites that receive funding from the Regional District. The Cultural Funding Review was guided by three key criteria:
- relevancy - how current cultural funding aligns with the Regional District's overall cultural strategy and mandate, including consideration for the changing needs of cultural sites and the community
- effectiveness - how current cultural funding is used at each site to support and advance a range of activities (including those which are unique to each site)
- efficiency - how cultural funding dollars can be distributed for maximum cultural impact across the Regional District
The recommendations will be considered as part of the 2025 to 2027 budget process.
FireSmart home assessments offered
This summer residents in the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George electoral areas can request a complimentary Home Ignition Zone Assessment. The assessment is designed by FireSmart to identify how a home and the 30 metres around it are vulnerable to wildfire. Regional District team members are trained as Local FireSmart Representatives to conduct Home Ignition Zone Assessments and then residents can undertake projects that can significantly lower the intensity of a fire and its ability to spread. Residents can contact the Regional District to request a Home Ignition Zone Assessment.
Community grants
The Board approved the following requests for Community and Recreation Grants:
- $10,000 to the Nukko Environmental Lake Weed Society for operating expenses
- $586 to the Salmon Valley Community Association for a community event
- $990 to the Nukko Lake Recreation Commission for insurance
- $3,000 to the Buckhorn Recreation Commission for sports day, swim program and t-shirts
- $10,000 to the Hixon Hill Riders for insurance, programs, maintenance and operating expenses
- $30,000 to the Hixon Volunteer Fire Department Society for building and grounds upgrades
- $1,000 to the Bear Lake Recreation Association for operating expenses
- $7,000 to the Dunster Community Association for the farmland preservation study