If you require assistance from police, fire or ambulance, dial 9-1-1
The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George provides 9-1-1 services to all the municipalities and electoral areas in:
- Regional District of Fraser-Fort George
- Cariboo Regional District
- Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako
- Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (excluding Electoral Areas A, D and F)
9-1-1 calls are first answered by Emergency Communications for BC Inc. (E-Comm). E-Comm determines the nature of the emergency and transfers the call to police, fire/rescue or ambulance dispatch centers as required. Calls for police services are dispatched by the RCMP Operational Communications Centre in Prince George, calls for fire/rescue services are dispatched by the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George’s Fire Operations Communications Centre in Prince George and calls for ambulance services are dispatched by the BC Ambulance Service in Vancouver, Victoria and Kamloops.
The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George also provides fire/rescue radio dispatch and communication services to these regional districts and to most of the Regional District of Central Kootenay. The Fire Operations Communications Centre is located in the City of Prince George Fire Hall No.1 and dispatches 99 fire/rescue agencies.
Fraser-Fort George 9-1-1 to answer 9-1-1 calls

Starting in 2026, Fraser-Fort George 9-1-1, a service of provided by the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, will answer all 9-1-1 calls made in the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, Cariboo Regional District and Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine. The calls will then be transferred to the same dispatch centres as under E-Comm.
The benefits of Fraser-Fort George 9-1-1 taking over the role of answering 9-1-1 calls include the ability to better respond to northern communities’ needs and being a more financially sustainable model that brings jobs back to the region.
Read a news release about this change to answering 9-1-1 calls